Your Questions

Brian Pickett
modinstaller doesn´t install in english
Minecraft 1.8.1 - 18:30:56 on 09.03.2015
Brian Pickett
downloaded 4.2, installation starts with asking language, after clicking eglish nothing happens. tried several times and now I can´t access 4.1
Minecraft 1.8.1 - 03:25:19 on 09.03.2015
Just open "%appdata% " (Windows Run) and go to the "Modinstaller" folder. Open the config.txt file und set "language:en". Save the text file and start the Modinstaller again.
17:31:30 on 08.03.2015
I´ve installed 4.2 recently, but it won´t open at all, which is super
None - 03:19:56 on 07.03.2015
4.2 only works on german version |:(
Minecraft 1.8.1 - 02:20:19 on 07.03.2015
I downloaded the new 4.2 version but it doesn´t work, it just shows what language do you speak, and after I click English nothing pops up, I waited a while but still nothing pops up.
Minecraft 1.8.1 - 02:15:40 on 07.03.2015
i have downloaded minecraft modinstaller 4.2 but it will only allow me to play on the German version not english. i know you most probably get alot of emails, but i would appreciate i if you could read this and get back to me ASAP!

Thanks Shaunie.H X
22:00:01 on 06.03.2015
@Natalie: Please install not so many Mods. It might be possible that they are not compatable. Try installing only one mod at the beginning and test if Minecraft starts. If everything is ok than add other mods.
Minecraft 1.5.2 - 19:20:22 on 06.03.2015
i installed a lot of the forge side mods but when i boot up the game ( the mod versions were on 1.5.2) they dont work. none of them. what do i do?
almost all of the forge mods - Minecraft 1.5.2 - 05:26:44 on 06.03.2015
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Minecraft 1.8.1 - 21:10:33 on 05.03.2015
@White: The Minecraft Forge is a different, special Mod, that is installed automatically if you select the tab "Forge". We offer only the Mod "Forge" in the Modloader list for old Minecraft versions.
Minecraft 1.8.1 - 16:52:35 on 27.02.2015
can you make us able to download forge with modinstaller?
21:03:00 on 26.02.2015
@Jasp: It is only possible to install either Modloader or Forge Mods because Modloader and Forge Mods are incompatible. You have to decide which kind of installation you prefer.
13:33:11 on 22.02.2015
I was wondering if its possible to install optifine with the mods.I tried installing optifine on the modloader tab and then the forge tab for mods but doesnt seem to work.
AliensvsPredators - Minecraft 1.7.10 - 07:14:31 on 22.02.2015
@White: Thanks for your proposal, we have added Not Enough Itmes for Minecraft 1.7.2.
NEI - Minecraft 1.7.2 - 16:52:22 on 21.02.2015
can you add NEI (not enough items) please it will be helpful!!!
Minecraft 1.7.2 - 11:42:54 on 21.02.2015
Please restart the Modistaller tonight again!

Error: Connection refused: connect error code: S1x04

Our file server is offline unfortunately. We work on a quick fix!
INFO: In Offline Mode you can install mods you have imported.
Thank you for your understanding!
09:05:43 on 18.02.2015
Nein, Du kannst nicht den MCPatcher mit installieren, da mit dem Modinstaller NUR Mods und keine anderen Modinstaller oder Texturepacker installieren kann.
Opti Fine kannst Du auf Minecraft 1.7.10 installieren, indem Du oberhalb der linken Modliste auf Modloader klickst. Dann kannst Du OptiFine auswählen und installieren.
Minecraft 1.7.10 - 16:20:15 on 15.11.2014
Hallo. Kann man den MCPachter in den MODInstaller hinzufügen, wie OptiFine?
MCPatcher - Minecraft 1.7.10 - 09:50:56 on 14.11.2014
@Leshy: Yes, you can import other, different mods, if you download these mods from other websites. We recommend the Mod "Zans Minimap" that you can find in the Forge list for MC 1.7.10. The Forge Modloader is the required for the installation of these mods. The Modinstaller installs this Modloader after the mod import directly.
19:07:23 on 10.11.2014
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