The More Swords mod adds more Swords to Minecraft with this features:
- config option to change durability of the swords and damage values of the swords. - recipe for the aether’s guard - admin’s ark - fixed dungeon issue - normal wither bane - Aether’s Guard (and ascension enchantment) not based off the aether mod but a reference to Aether - enchanted version of all swords - slight improvements to the hellfire effect. - normal and enchanted aether’s guard - various tweaks to the damage and durability of several swords.
All mods in the list blow are available in the Minecraft Modinstaller (click here)... Alternatively we offer you mods here as a ZIP File you can install manually:
1.7.10 Forge
Installation Instructions (without Modinstaller)
Forge Mods
Open the new launcher and make sure the version of Minecraft the mod requires is already installed.